
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Customized "Wire Name" Bracelet

Aloha everyone

If any of you follow Zoella on youtube and on her person blog, you will know that she suffers from a severe anxiety disorder which had led her to say no to a lot of things in her life time. In order to combat her disorder, she has decided to say "yes," to more and more things in her everyday life. She mentioned in one of her blogs that she ordered a rose gold wire bracelet with the word "yes" on it to remind her of her goals every day. When I read her posting about this bracelet, I immediately wanted one as well. I, too, suffer from severe anxiety and knew automatically what word I wanted on mine.

My anxiety stems from not being able to voice my emotions. I have a huge problem telling people if something is bothering me, if I want something done differently, or if I need help. I don't like asking for help even when I know I need it. I tend to listen to my heart instead of my head and that always screws me around in the end. I can also admit to being a huge hypocrite in the sense that I can give out good advice, but can never take my own advice. All my life I never wanted to listen to what other people had to tell me, because I always wanted to be right even when I knew for a fact that I was wrong.

Now that I have a son of my own and a boyfriend that I plan on starting a life with, I have decided to change that side of myself. First of all, I need to start listening to the people around me. I need to step being so stubborn and take constructive criticism as something positive, instead of viewing it in a negative way. I tend to be very self conscious, which leads to me being paranoid, which then leads to me having horrible panic attacks. If I would just listen to what other people had to say and let them actually explain themselves instead of just getting mad at them, my anxiety levels would take a huge nose dive. Next, I need to start listening to myself. I know that I am not a stupid person - I have good morals, I know right from wrong and I know what I like and what I do not like - but I seem to make poor choices based on my heart and not my intelligence. I'm going to start listening to myself, listening to the red flags that I see, and listening to the little voice inside my head.

I'm usually not a jewellery type of girl - I only wear my family ring and a necklace - but this bracelet means the world to me. I'm excited to be able to wake up every single day and see it hanging on my wrist. I truly believe this is the first step in my battle against anxiety and panic attacks. I'm determined to be able to combat it by myself instead of taking medications that just make me feel numb.

The website that I ordered this bracelet from is:
I paid a total of $21.85 which I thought was very reasonable considering it had to be shipped to Alberta, Canada from America. The only thing I am worried about is my son bending it out of shape when he's playing with me, because although it's pretty it isn't all that durable. However, if that were to happen I would just repurchase. :)


  1. You're amazing! That's awesome, i think i may get one too. i have the word 'faith' tattood on my back. i think i'd like a 'beleive' braclet.

    i'll add you on G+ and FB if you have one.
    i have had anxiety since i was a child and i am an author about to launch my next book
    'shaken: a story of emotional abuse and depression' i would love you to join me.


  2. Believe bracelets are very popular! That was going to be my second choice :)
